Karen and Ruben Popet- Romania
The Popet’s established Beraca Ministries Romania in 2000 to raise unwanted children. Since then, they have had 51 children through their orphanage. Many came into the program as infants and were able to stay until they turned 18. They focus on a God centered model of raising the children in a Christ centered environment. They are also actively involved in their local church and they have started a food pantry for the needy in Lugoj.
Karen and Ruben Popet
Ramona Hands- Romania
Ramona established Hope Romania, a Christian organization that provides food, clothing and medical needs to the impoverished in Romania. The organization work hands on in the poorest villages in Romania to share the gospel and help meet the needs of those who are struggling.
Pastor Beni-Romania
Beni established Efrata Baptist Church in Lujog, Romania. He has a heart to help feed the hungry, provide for widows, help those who can’t afford medication and so much more.
Pastor Beni
Susan Howe-Uganda
Susan Howe is the Director of POSHU Projects of Self Help in Uganda (established in 2009). The organization helps refugee women by educating and teaching them how to improve their lives. They teach women English classes, how to garden, sewing, raising chickens and many other skills to help them flourish and succeed.
Susan Howe
Tom Staaman- Honduras
Tom Staaman built and established City of Refuge in Honduras. It provides shelter, education, economic sustainability and growth. It’s also a hub where missionaries can minister to the people in Honduras. God has recently given Tom a vision to build more Cities of Refuge around the world.
Tom Staaman
Pastor Jimmy- Haiti
Pastor Jimmy started a bible college in Haiti. He has seen many young men graduate from his program. He also pastors many churches, does many outdoor bible classes for children and a feeding program through his church.
Pastor Jimmy
Salim Munayer-Israel
Salim established Israel Musalaha Ministries, a faith based organization, to teach trains and facilities reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians.
Salim J. Munayer
Rod Kodavatikanti- India
Rod started Project Nehemiah to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide food, shelter and education in India. They hold many large crusades to enable the gospel to be spread. Project Nehemiah also tarted King’s Kids which is a children’s rescue home for unwanted and abandoned children in India.
Rod Kodavatikanti